Saturday, April 18, 2009

LA VIE ETRANGE launch- backstage and prepping

I don't know how we pulled this off. It was such a whirlwind!! my sister Julie did the prints and the photos ;)

ready to set sail
Eva in her Melody shirt folding the fw09 cataloguesgoodie bags
I wrapped myself in my sweater really strangely because of nerves
On Y Va is such a beautiful store!This is not a shampoo add. It's me and the On Y Va team prepping! they were amazing.
The genius on hair: Tanya Koch
The genius on make-up: NicolaThe genius on the ironing board: my mum Kaya
I had to do a little on camera interview before it started for Schweizer Illustrierte TVThe Nerves!! Simi and Eva
Marion grabbing a quick bite to eat before the madness in her Blushing Bride babydoll

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